Manifestation Science & Biohacking

Manifestation Science & Biohacking

Manifestation is all about consciously creating your reality by harnessing the power of energy, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

It's about stepping into your power and taking control of your life, rather than feeling like a victim to external circumstances.

We live in a world that's constantly throwing challenges our way—pandemics, natural disasters, economic woes, and endless streams of information.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. Add to that the traumas we've experienced and the relentless pace of modern life, and it's no wonder many of us feel stuck and drained.

However, there's a way out of this cycle. The first step is realising that you have more control over your life than you might think.

Many people feel trapped in their current situation, but by becoming aware of your subconscious mind, you can start to change your reality.

Your thoughts and feelings shape your personal reality. Every moment, your thoughts create an electromagnetic field around you, attracting experiences that match your internal state.

This is the essence of the law of attraction: like attracts like. If you constantly focus on negative thoughts, you attract more negativity. Conversely, by focusing on positive thoughts and feelings, you can attract more positive experiences into your life.

Your electromagnetic field is like a signal that broadcasts your internal state to the universe. This field changes based on your emotions and beliefs, influencing what you attract.

For example, if you believe the ocean is healing, just imagining being there can calm and rejuvenate you. This belief engages your body emotionally, reinforcing your experience of calm even before you physically arrive at the ocean.

Research shows that when we combine positive thoughts with high-frequency emotions like gratitude, love, and authenticity, our electromagnetic field becomes more powerful and magnetic.

This makes us more likely to attract experiences that align with these positive states.

Most of our daily thoughts and behaviours are driven by our subconscious mind, which operates on autopilot based on past experiences and learned beliefs.

Often, these beliefs are outdated or unhelpful, shaped by past traumas or societal conditioning. For instance, a fear of public speaking might stem from an embarrassing experience in high school, holding you back from pursuing dreams like motivational speaking.

To change your life, you need to become aware of these subconscious patterns and actively work to reprogram them.

This process involves recognising limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering ones. It's about consciously choosing thoughts and actions that align with the life you want to create.

One of the most powerful ways to propel you through this process of re-wiring your subconscious in order to align your energy with your heart and soul's desires is called "biohacking". 

Biohacking is all about optimising your body and mind to achieve alignment with your energy, thoughts and emotions.

Meditation and hypnosis are effective tools for this process, as they tap into the brain's natural rhythms, particularly the theta and alpha brainwaves.

These brainwaves are associated with deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility, making them ideal for accessing the subconscious.

In a theta state, the mind is more open to new ideas and less resistant to change, allowing you to replace old, limiting beliefs with empowering ones.

Alpha waves, often associated with creativity and light meditation, help bridge the conscious and subconscious, enabling a smoother integration of new thought patterns.

By regularly practicing meditation and hypnosis, you can rewire your subconscious mind, aligning your beliefs with your goals and unlocking your full potential.

This approach not only enhances mental clarity and emotional resilience but also accelerates your journey towards a more intentional and fulfilling life.

Remember, your consciousness is a powerful force of electromagnetic energy, interconnected with the very fabric of the universe.

By taking the time to heal and nurture yourself, you can access this inner power and manifest a life that's true to your desires and potential.

It's time to stop living according to others' expectations and start creating the life you truly want.

Love Es x

P.S You can find meditation and hypnosis tracks on my website, here.

Check out Esther's Universe Podcast here.

My Tiktok is here, and my Instagram is here

My website has a tonne of resources and coaching, here.

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