Clair Senses & Intuition

Clair Senses & Intuition

Hello!! I'll get right to it because I don't like blogs that waffle hahaha.


Fun fact: 

Clair means 'Clear' in French.


What are the Clair Senses?

The Clair senses encompass abilities like clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), and more.

These gifts allow us to perceive energies, messages, and guidance that lie beyond the veil of our everyday awareness. It's like your senses get an upgrade. 

Some people are in tune with only a couple of their clairsenses, others connect with all of them, it's an individual thing.  

Activating Your Clair Senses

We activate our Clair senses through slowing down and incorporating balance into our lives as well as observing our inner worlds. The more we intentionally observe, the more we learn how to use our innate powers.

Meditation, conscious presence in daily life, energy work, and deepening our connection with our higher selves are some of the pathways to unlocking these innate abilities.


Exploring Your Unique Gifts

Your innate gifts have always been with you, you've just been largely unaware of them for most of your life up until you start to observe them. It's a matter of clearing space in your mind and life so that they have the opportunity to present themselves to you. 


Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing)

What is Clairvoyance? Clairvoyance, or clear seeing, is the ability to perceive visions or images beyond the physical realm. It involves accessing visual information that goes beyond ordinary sight, often through the mind's eye or inner visions.

How Does Clairvoyance Work? Imagine movies unfolding before your mind's eye, revealing insights, symbols, or glimpses of future possibilities. It can also look like shapes and colours flying around in the void in our mind's eye.

To me, it's in the same place in my mind as my memories. Think of any vivid memory you can right now - the way you're remembering this visually is the same way you'll receive some or a lot of your psychic visions. (The way you remember it in other physical ways may relate to your other powerful abilities). 

Clairvoyance allows us to tap into the higher dimensions, offering guidance, inspiration, and deeper understanding.


Clairaudience (Clear Hearing)

What is Clairaudience? Clairaudience, or clear hearing, is the ability to perceive auditory information beyond the physical realm. It involves hearing messages, guidance, or sounds that are not audible to the ordinary ear.

How Does Clairaudience Work? Like tuning into celestial melodies, clairaudience enables us to receive guidance through whispers, inner voices, or subtle tones.

It commonly comes through in your own voice. It's different from your mind's mental chatter because your mind can be anxious and repetitive. Your inner voice is certain, expansive, loving, encouraging- but in your normal way of speaking. Y

ou can also hear frequencies and whatnot - when you hear these, combine this with your inner knowing to translate what the sounds mean. 


Claircognizance (Clear Knowing)

What is Claircognizance? Claircognizance, or clear knowing, is the ability to acquire knowledge or insights without physical explanation. It involves receiving information as a sudden understanding, gut feeling, or intuitive knowing.

How Does Claircognizance Work? Picture a sudden flash of insight or a profound understanding that arises seemingly out of nowhere. Claircognizance allows us to trust our inner wisdom and make decisions based on intuitive knowing, bypassing logical reasoning. 

It can form silently within you or it can happen as you're speaking out loud. When the latter happens, you find yourself realising this is the first time you're hearing yourself say the thing. It's quite amusing. People will often say "you're so wise, how do you know that?!" (And you're not even sure how you know that!) haha. 


Clairsentience (Clear Feeling) / Clairempathy (Clear Emotions)

What is Clairsentience? Clairsentience, or clear feeling, is the ability to sense energy and emotions beyond physical touch. It involves empathic perception of subtle vibrations, emotions, or energies present in people, places, or objects.

This is helpful in reiki and all energetic and intuitive healing sessions, as are all the clairs, but this one especially.

How Does Clairsentience Work? Imagine navigating through emotional landscapes, feeling the energy and emotions of others as if they were your own. Clairsentience allows us to empathize deeply, discern truth from falsehood, and connect on a soul level. Clairsentience / Clairempathy allows us to offer compassion, support, and healing through understanding and emotional resonance.


Clairgustance (Clear Tasting)

What is Clairgustance? Clairgustance, or clear tasting, is the ability to taste flavors or substances without putting anything physical in the mouth. It involves experiencing tastes or sensations related to spiritual or energetic information.

How Does Clairgustance Work? In my opinion this clairsense is one that helps strengthen the others.

For example: Source might be trying to communicate something to you through various channels in your clairsenses and maybe you're not quite getting it. Then clairgustance might be the thing that tips you over into the knowing of the message. 


I hope that was helpful! 

If you loved it, please share it with a friend. 


Check out Esther's Universe Podcast here.

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My website has a tonne of resources and coaching, here.

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